The Amazon Rainforest is home to over sixteen thousand species of trees.
Some Amazon Rainforest plant species are well over sixty million years old and date back to when the earth’s crust was joined as a super continent referred to as Gondwanaland, which dates back to the Neo-Proterozoic period, (which in turn dates back to over five hundred and forty million years ago), meaning that certain plant and flower species in the Amazon could actually date back to being over five hundred million years old.
The different blends of minerals and nutrients that are found specifically in the Amazon Rainforest Basin are usually contained in the top layer of soil. (Top layer soil nutrient consistency is normal for most rainforests across the planet).
Some of these amazing plant and flowering plant species, (both discovered and those yet to be discovered) which date back to millions of years, prefer to live under tree coverage and do not survive in direct sunlight from deforestation.
The full cost of Deforestation to humanity is a question that as yet remains to be determined.
Antibiotics have been discovered in the Amazon Rainforest soil of Venezuela for eye and also for brain operations and are still in use today as highly valued antibiotics.
There have already been a couple of reported Covid 19 cases to have reached the Indigenous population. Over a hundred Indigenous deaths have been reported so far.
With thirty to sixty different strains of Corona/Covid 19 and with each strain in turn containing approximately 149 mutations, there is no way to be one hundred percent sure as to who is carrying it.
The Amazon Rainforest Basin (including all of it’s borders) could hold the key to effective treatments for the Corona/Covid Virus.
This is yet another reason as to why the world must keep as many doors open to medicinal options and new advancements with a International interest of protecting potential treatments for all kinds of illnesses in the Amazon Rainforest Basin eco-system for now and for the future of the planet.
The Indigenous tribes endure a lot in their brave efforts and in their continued daily striving to protect the Amazon Rainforest eco-system, and it is important that the Indigenous tribes get continued worldwide support on all levels, along with complete and more direct International Protection Measures to be able to implement good stewardship of the Amazon Rainforest Basin, so that the world can help to protect the Amazon Rainforest further as International Guardians of the Amazon Rainforest.
Now is the time for the world to be vigilant in coming together to protect the entire Amazon Rainforest Basin eco-system.*
Therefore as world citizens, please do whatever you can and more to get involved in helping to protect the Amazon Rainforest Basin, the Amazon Rainforest Indigenous, and our earth’s very own Amazon Rainforest Organic Medicine Chest.