History has taught us that Regional Climate Change has always compelled the migration of humans and animals from one region to another; In ancient times the average population on the move was relatively smaller in numbers.
Everybody knows that factors such as being driven by the need for food, the huntsmen followed/tracked the herd and the herd followed/tracked the grassy areas and vegetation for grazing.
Today, migration is Global because Climate Change is happening simultaneously in many countries around the world: This has resulted in well over fifty million people from various regions migrating to other regions in search of food, jobs and a better life; to the point where the numbers of people on the move will further increase over time, and therefore, human migration in large numbers will undoubtedly cause both economic, cultural shock and societal upheavals from the global impact of Climate Change and the Green House Effect, which has undoubtedly clogged the welfare of humanity everywhere.

Artwork: Copyright of L.D.K
Whilst we focus on Carbon Emissions, we also have to bear in mind that catastrophic events affecting Climate Change are continually occurring; and this means that unexpected events will continue to happen and will impact many more individual regions as they repeatedly occur.
Of real concern in today’s times, is in how countries can accommodate and feed huge numbers of people as migrant numbers continue to increase and the United Nations Assembly (including COP27) must now formulate New positive strategies for countries having to absorb Climate Refugees, which include people migrating from places suffering the extreme brunt of knock on effects from Climate Change, such as (for instance) people from Latin America and the Caribbean; and bearing in mind that Climate Change on the whole is not solely due to Carbonic pollution, we now draw attention to some Historical Events….
- 2448 B.C-3000 B.C: The Great Flood which occurred across Mesopotamia in the Days of Noah.
- 629 B.C in the days of the Hebrew leader Jeremiah- severe drought and famine.
- 1715 B.C The Great Drought and famine across countries neighbouring Egypt, which caused International migration, and also caused Hebrews to migrate to Egypt.
- 1969 A.D Severe Drought and Famine in Ethiopia.
- 2021 A.D Severe Drought and Famine in Afghanistan.
- 2022 A.D Europe has a heatwave and drought across many countries.
- 2021 A.D Israel; The City of Jerusalem sees significant snowfall. People are happy as they see the snow, which is a respite to heatwaves and the C. 2019 pandemic. (We can smile at this unexpected turn of events for all who enjoyed the snow).
- 1706 B.C Climate Change affecting Egypt and perhaps other territories. Disruption to Agriculture and Food shortage resulting in severe famine.
- (The Hebrew people decide to leave Egypt in the Exodus).
- 862 B.C (Nineveh, Iraq); Great Drought and heatwaves; crops destroyed from the level of heat.
- These events occurred in the time of the Hebrew Jonah.
- 3000 B.C Archeological Records confirm that Climate Change affected the island of Malta.
- Severe heatwaves and drought destroying forested land and countless animal species. Malta became a much drier land.
- Flooding across Australia, India, China, New Zealand and also across the Pacific Islands such as Tonga.
- 2022 A.D Heatwaves and drought from the period of June to August across many parts of Africa, Europe and the U.K
- Madagascar -the ground is still parched from two years of drought and food insecurity.
- Hurricanes including Hurricane Fiona which hit places such as Puerto Rico and Canada
- Continually diminishing rainfall drought and food insecurity in countries such as Haiti
- Floods in Nigeria displacing over a million people from their homes.
- Increasing drought across areas such as Nevada, California.
- Continued damage from Deforestation contributing to drought and increased exposure to high levels of storm damage across many parts of the Amazon.
- 2022 AD Severe floods across various parts of Italy.
- 1960 AD a 9.5 earthquake near Valdivia in Chile, with the resulting Tsunami’s hitting Hawaii, California, Japan, the Philippines and Samoa.
- 2022 AD Increasing wildfires across areas of Spain.
- 2022 AD a severe earthquake in Indonesia on the 18th of November 2022 . (A previous 7.4 magnitude earthquake and Tsunami hit off the coast of Indonesia on the 28th of September 2022 affecting over a million people (including those from Sulawesi Island).
- 432 B.C – Egyptian archeologists have conferred that there was Climate Change.
- 1322 B.C the land of Moab (Present Day Yemen). Moab experienced severe heatwaves and drought, which resulted in widespread famine. This occurred in the days of the Israelite Ruth.
- Change in Egypt, causing severe drought, famine and economic collapse.
- 31 BCE Drought affects Palestine and Israel. The water levels in the wells was mainly dry which resulted in water along with food shortages.
In Ancient times, Climatic events caused a great upheaval across various territories, and the response to these events turned into organised fasting for stipulated periods in order to conserve food, and which also resulted in the “Outlawing of Gluttony”.
(Kindly note that the above paragraph is not directly referring to medical issues).
Over time; weekly resting in regard to the exploitation and exhaustion of various forms of fuels and resources (i.e a slow down in human/anthropogenic activity, began to occur cyclically; and it is becoming increasingly apparent that (COP 27) Modern Man must adapt in a similar way to conserve food and also Energy Resources, in further efforts to restrain from another sharp increase in Greenhouse gas pollution.
A more wholesome approach would be that the fundamental Initiative must be towards conservation in terms of reducing highly excessive levels of consumption, and also to turn what are in many cases polluted waste lands Green by the further implementation of more widespread eco-friendly Agricultural projects; we have to literally Green all deforested and more widespread desert areas of the Planet.
That the Green environment must NOT be damaged wantonly (i.e deliberately and in an unprovoked manner) and ALL forested areas are protected.*
N.B (This must be stipulated within the drafting of further U.N Environmental Standards in terms of Forest Regeneration and replacing trees).*
Earlier in October of 2022, the Brush and grass of Mount Kilimanjaro was on fire because of a heatwave in Kenya. The landscape in Kenya is changing far and fast from grass, brush and trees, because of drought; the land is drying out and the green environment is withering. As an indicator of the level of Environmental Changes , we draw attention to the melting of the Glaciers at the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro.
We also need to further monitor how Climate Change is affecting animal life and the diversity of species in the Rift Valley.*
On the 26th of October 2022: The United nations issue a warning in regard to Climate Change:
Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United nations warned that the World is close to the point of no return within the ongoing negative effect of Climate Change.
Mr. Guterres also encouraged all countries to step up actions in reducing Carbon Pollution, and also stated that Climate Change was the biggest crisis of our life time, and the Developed Nations have been urged to step up further in their efforts to fight Climate change.
November of 2021 brought thunderstorms, hail and heavy rain, which also brought a plague of Scorpions to the River Nile, affecting hundreds of people and resulting in three reported fatalities.
A recent report form Kenya noticed that livestock/animals are literally falling down dead from heat and starvation, due to Severe Drought, with over half a million people in the Turkana region of Kenya currently facing drought and starvation. Poor rains, drought and high levels of food insecurity are also affecting places such as Somalia and Ethiopia. (It is estimated that well over 21 million people are now facing starvation across the African continent alone, along with other major issues which currently include a high number of locusts that are also threatening Global Food Security).
Preserving and increasing Natural Green Eco-System areas; (along with cleaning up our oceans) and cutting Greenhouse gas pollution (including C02 reduction), across all countries is now central in trying to prevent further Global (and Regional) temperature increase, along with all of the adverse effects that accelerated Climatic Change would bring to our world.
Peace and Love, L.D.K
(18th November 2022)
(Article Copyright of L.D.K)*
N.B The United Nations should issue a Global Benchmark for Standards of Green Conservation.*