As our Amazon Rainforest People of the World continue to face the harsh and growing realities and many challenges that they unfortunately still have to contend with on a daily basis; it must be remembered that we can all still make a difference!
(N.B It is understood that the following links are good, legitimate, and official links, where everyone is welcome to make a donation)….
To donate with the help of sending urgently needed food:
As some of you may already know, there are no readily available Medical Centers, across many rural areas of the Amazon, within any type of close proximity/reach in order for people to be able to get to/access in time should they require any type of medical assistance or treatment!
You could help!
To donate towards the building of a Medical Center for Rainforest families in rural Amazon, check the link below:
(i.e the following link to donate towards the building of a Medical Health Center):
Sending out good energy to you all.
Peace and Love, L.D.K
(N.B Please also refer to the Green Mansions Movement
”About” Page; should you need to in terms of any additional information)*