Lost and wandering around the Amazon, a young teenager by the name of Lesly (aged thirteen), her sister, Soleimy, (aged nine), their four year old brother, Tien Noriel, along with their baby brother by the name of Cristin, who actually spent his First Birthday in the Colombian area of the Amazon Rainforest; were the only survivors of a plane crash which occurred over the dense Rainforest area whilst travelling with their Mother; Ms. Magdalena Mucutui Valencia.
Besides managing to salvage one/two short inflight snacks from the plane wreckage, the older children, although mainly dehydrated and suffering with some insect bites; managed to apply some of the vital Indigenous Knowledge that they were brought up with from their Grandparents i.e Elders who belong to the Guanano Indigenous Community order to stay alive, in the process, also helping to keep their younger siblings including their baby brother, Tien Noriel, alive.
The Indigenous Knowledge provided the two older children with the base to be able to distinguish between which fruits they could eat; from certain other non-edible forest fruits of toxic varieties which they could not eat.
The children survived on various edible Rainforest fruits and certain edible seeds, along with cassava/manioc and /cassava flour. (If the girls managed to make bread whilst out in the harsh jungle terrain; they would have done so with the Indigenous knowledge of how to correctly prepare the cassava flour (which either their Grandma or Mother most likely would have shown/taught to the girls). The children also managed to make shelters out of some of the surrounding Rainforest vegetation.
This story highlights the important fact that these children were able to survive for over a month, (a period of up to forty days) by themselves, in the Colombian Jungle area of the Amazon, due to the fact that this wild, dense and untouched area of the Amazon Rainforest, provided it’s own natural diversity and abundance of various nutrients from fruits and vegetation in order to sustain the children, which played a vital role in keeping them alive, along with providing the children with Shelter…
Indeed, if the untouched natural biodiversity of the Amazon Rainforest, along with other natural green areas of the earth are left alone, (i.e in terms of a view towards more effective preservation through various and/ improved efforts of Conservation), instead of being swallowed up by large scale industrial encroachment, which in the process causes higher C02 Carbon pollution levels along with other Greenhouse Gas pollution, whilst going miles over the official boundaries of already allocated land used for Industry; only to cause the additional encroachment of waste dumping in the pollution of Industrial over-utilisation in areas that should be left as natural eco-habitat/ conservational areas; then there would be far less high growth levels of starvation/i.e food insecurity.
Also, the non-invasive and natural biodiversity of green forested areas would also better serve to replenish soil health both in terms of natural sustainability along with increased crop yields…
Latin American Countries should keep learning from each other about food resources in the exchange of more knowledge about these resources. (Indeed, Forest Diversity is something to be celebrated and utilised in terms of local/ regional sustainability).
For instance, certain species of Cactus such as the Nopal Cactus (a.k.a Prickly Pear Cactus) that have been used for hundreds of years, and is native to many parts of South America; are now increasingly being used as a food source in terms of being hardy and able to thrive in more drought prone environments, and there should be further usage of this food source in areas that are faced with acute drought.
The Agriculturally Eco-Diverse range of plants /foods grown in the Amazon should be expanded because Climate Change will have an influence on dietary adjustments across the world to a certain extent...

(Photograph taken by and Copyright of L.D.K)
For instance, the growing of things such as Breadfruit (and also things such as jackfruit) should also be implemented.
When Captain Cook sailed to the South Pacific in 1769, he discovered breadfruit, and before leaving Tahiti, stocked up his ship with the breadfruit, which was already a major staple in the diet of people from the Pacific Islands.
The Pacific Islanders did not have the benefit of Wheat/Barley up until that time, and Captain Cook and his Crew liked the Breadfruit; with many recognising the value whilst enjoying the diet of the Indigenous Peoples of the Pacific. Breadfruit turned out to be one of the major food sources that he brought back to Europe from the Americas as an integral everyday item. It was also eaten by the Spanish and Portuguese Settlers.
Foods such as Breadfruit should therefore be widely gown as a Staple food across the entire Amazon Basin area, along with Jackfruit, which is well known and widely eaten across India, the Pacific and Australia, whereby it should also be grown more widely as a Staple Food.
Many people across areas such as the South Pacific already regard Jackfruit as a Superfood, as it is high in nutrients and low in fat, as do many athletes who eat Jackfruit ahead of Sports Competitions).
Indeed, the planting of certain crops within rural and Indigenous communities will be a positive measure to further encourage and maintain the eco-balance within the encouragement of natural crop diversity from Small Scale rural and Indigenous Community Farming as well as meeting comparatively lower carbon initiatives.
Archeologists and people from other fields/sciences have looked closely at Inca farming methods.
Their research revealed that the Inca use felled logs, to deal with the wet/swampy terrain.
Their Method was to lay out logs in patches/spaces that were approximately the size of a small football field; thereafter adding a layer of small rocks/pebbles (i.e so as to aggregate).
The next layer would be a mixture of soil along with some charcoal (not excessive amounts of charcoal) to enrich the soil. The last step was to add a layer of dry leaves to make a compost.
By employing this method, the Inca reclaimed swampy land, whilst continuing to grow a diversity of crops.
With a rapidly a changing Climate in areas such as Amazonia, perhaps some of these Ancient methods of Agriculture should be revised and applied across areas that include those already impacted by drought, fire, and flood damage, thereby enabling the Indigenous and other rural, local people to better provide for themselves in terms of Food Security on a long term basis with a view towards increased Sustainability...
According to U.N figures; Indigenous people account for five percent of the world population, and look after 85% of the world’s land; and whilst clean air, along with water and food are for everyone to share on Earth; it must be remembered that it is absolutely not true that the 5% of Indigenous people making up the world population; currently look after 85% of the world, given that many people all over the world, including Indigenous communities, have been moved away from the bulk of the 85% of land that accounts for Indigenous territories on earth.
Also, (and just as importantly), such figures should not serve to be a distraction in order to deflect from the responsibilities of addressing the ongoing issues directly attributed to the ongoing eco-system damage of large scale industrial environmental pollution.
The harshness of longer and drier drought conditions from Climate Change is indeed worsened by the sharp increase in mass-scale monoculture farming practices, such as Pyrogenic Agroforestry, which repeatedly ruins and depletes the biodiversity of natural eco-system habitats for both people and wildlife, whilst also encroaching on the small- scale organic sustainability of under-represented local people, including and particularly groups of Indigenous Communities; whose growing problems of food insecurity, homes, livelihoods, and health, (including respiratory health) within the habitats of natural eco-system environments are severely impacted.

Artwork: Copyright of L.D.K
Climate Change is becoming more widely understood, and the World, along with the International Stage, is watching: as other Indigenous areas across the Amazon that were expected to be recognised in April of this year (2023) but have yet to be; now need to be recognised during the course of this summer period over July of 2023-(which is in fact winter season across South America starting from mid June and going into mid September)- and these areas include: the Aldeia Velha land of the Pataxo Indigenous Community in the region of Bahia; the Morro dos Cavalos Land of the Guarani Peoples in the region of Catania; and the Caique Fontoura Land of the Karaja Indigenous Community in Mato Grosso. What is also important to note here; is that the winter season that is now occurring from June- September across South America, is bringing with it wind currents that are coinciding with what is known as “The Burning Season” which is at this moment resulting in the causation of increasing environmental, (as well as atmospheric/ and heat dome contribution) damage across natural eco-systems across the entire Amazon Rainforest and Amazon Basin……
…..As well as various things that include education, progress is also connected to a healthy environment, and in recognising the Natural Eco Systems that include the above Indigenous areas (as they should have been recognised earlier in April of this year, in 2023); such a development would bring more of a positive outcome which would give us all further hope towards sustaining a more ecological recovery of the Earth, for everyone; including the Indigenous Communities, who through their vital Conservational efforts and hard work in terms of Shepherding some of the Worlds most important Eco-systems, would be a little more able in continuing to protect such important, vulnerable and key and Bio-Diverse Areas of the World, that at some point could make a recovery, regenerate and survive…whilst at the same time…helping to improve the Food Security of all people in general, through Organic Small Scale Community Farming amidst Climate Change...
The hottest recorded day across the entire Earth occurred on Monday the 3rd of July 2023, where the global temperature reached a high of seventeen degrees Celsius, (approximately just over 62 degrees Fahrenheit).
The European Space Agency Satellite known as Copernicus should be able to give us information in real time data. What is important here is that the information is shared across all countries so that action can be taken more effectively in anticipation of cataclysmic changes.
The UN Climate Committee has now basically declared that the Climate has gotten further out of control, (as is already evident by the increase in the severity of hurricanes, floods and droughts). The global temperature has risen by 1.4 degrees
The Aim of the Net Zero Coalition in accordance with the Paris Agreement is to prevent Global Warming from going over the maximum 1.5 Global Warming Limit.
If the temperature at some point reaches an increase of 1.5 degrees Celsius; then we are all surely in for a turbulent Climatic period; however; we can still solve the problem by pulling the emergency brakes before we hit the buffers in that generating excessive levels of green house gases such as Carbon, must be suspended by a Government Decree, so as to allow for a One Year Evaluation to be conducted.

Artwork: Copyright of L.D.K
We are now in a period where human integrity must come to the forefront in order to revoke the development, organisation and the distribution of manufactured product, and new Laws need to be formulated in regard to Conservation as a matter of priority.
Although it is emphasised yet again that this is not a political website; a new direction to be followed, is being point out right here:
The development of New Conservation Ideals across all communities must be actioned, and communities must now be encouraged to ‘live smarter,’ in a thriftier fashion, and must cease at being such a “Throw away Society.”
As the temperature rises, this will cause fresh natural surface drinking water to evaporate, resulting in an increase of fluctuating and even more so; diminishing water levels.
Whilst A.I faces many different challenges, are those issues of such immediate concern to the point whereby they are bigger than that of Climate Change?
Tell that to people across many parts of the world who cannot get food and water, -(and if or when they do, to be able to get such things in sanitary conditions amidst an outbreak of Cholera);- along with those suffering with heat exhaustion from temperatures reaching as much as over over fifty degrees celsius across some areas, in regard to heatwaves currently being experienced across many parts of Europe and the Mediterranean, such as Greece and Italy, including heat-storms and wildfires across La Palma in the Canary Islands, along with the Greek island of Rhodes, Northern Africa and across the Near and Middle East countries such as Tunisia, Morocco, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt , along with sweltering temperatures across many parts of California along with Arizona and Utah over this summer period of 2023; or to countries across parts of Asia including parts of the Philippines, India and Pakistan, China, Japan and South Korea, currently suffering with excessive water levels and landslides from severe flooding...along with recent flash flooding in the Hudson Valley area of New York, Newark, Vermont, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Florida, with flooding also continuing to occur across parts of Canada that include Montreal and Quebec.
However, A.I technology has been developed and implemented in agriculture in terms of helping to identify and cut invasive insect crop damage. (With that being mentioned, it is also known that organic crops result in less insect damage, better soil integrity and better yields).
The entire content in this website (i.e greenmansionsmovement.net) is organic in that it has not been written with any A.I.
Where A.I has shown a breakthrough improvement in one area of application such as brain-movement coordination for those who could really benefit from it, A.I should not be applied so heavily across other fields in that it should and is supposed to be ethically developed in ways where it would enhance, and not “take over” various jobs in terms of affecting the bread and butter/livelihoods of human skills and capabilities.
However, with A.I already having been rolled out a couple of years ago, it’s obvious that A.I on the whole, is here to stay. With newly developing technology always comes new challenges, and in some sort of comparison to Climate Change; it is a lack of things such as ethics, along with greed which ultimately extends out to a lack of responsibility in terms of environmental pollution from excessive/over-industrialisation and monopolisation in the very mindset within the pretext of architecture in regard to certain reaches of A.I programming -done by some humans -( if one is talking about what could ultimately end up being job replacing technology that has to do with total compliance, no coffee breaks, lower/zero wages, no rights, and a lack of real/organic, human individualism/creativity on many different levels), -that is the major underlying problem here, within a world that is already changing/going through Climatic/Earth Flux; and until such problems are properly questioned/challenged and addressed; there will be the occurrence of such ongoing problems/issues within advancements that can be developed in ways that hold more positives than negatives for both humanity and for the environment.
It is indeed time for humanity, ethics, the protection of Biodiversity, less industrial wastage, clean drinking water, organic farming, and also the Conservation of green spaces to be at the top of the Regulation list instead of at the bottom of it; as opposed to merely bringing out types of regulation(s) that don’t benefit the world in positive ways as a whole.
The Mayan Chronicles….
The Chilam Balam forecast from the Mayan Civilisation mentions that the world will burn up (i.e through fire and drought). Just how did they know and from whom?
Well, for one thing, a Scientific answer seems to do with the Planetary influences and Electromagnetic Shifts, and right now, El Nino is affecting the Northern Hemisphere of the Equator.
The Mayan Long Form Calendar basically expresses that the end of one cycle is the beginning of another...
Just over ten years ago, Inuit Elders have confirmed a tilting of the Earth as they have witnessed the sun coming up on the horizon from a different position along with longer daylight hours.
(It is known that several Indigenous forms of recorded history indeed make a reference to some type of major Cataclysm/Earth Flux. In February of 2019, a forty seven thousand year old Kauri tree was found in New Zealand, containing the climatic tree ring data of the last magnetic pole shift known as the Laschamp Excursion).
Aboriginal Peoples and their Culture date back to over seventy-thousand years, and have been Native to Australia for a good sixty-thousand years, and therefore; with the Aboriginal Tribes being amongst some of the oldest Civilisations on Earth; humanity can learn a lot from the Indigenous Sociological Systems of the Aborigine Tribes people, whilst at the same time; getting to grips with various bush survival techniques, in the knowledge that what is being learnt and /passed on is one of several Ancient Indigenous Survival Knowledge Skill Sets/Practices on Earth that date back to Millenia, which was good enough to take people into another cycle/period of time on Earth.
As heating is now global, and has passed the midnight stage: humanity is now in a period
where it is down to individual behaviour, (both on a consumer level and on a manufacturing level), in terms of reducing further Climate Change acceleration. Examples include; less manufacturing waste along with better Industrial Waste Management; and cutting down on the excessive burning of agricultural waste as well as garden waste, along with things like not automatically throwing away an item that can be repaired (if it can be repaired within reason). Also, Supermarkets need to cut down on their food mountain waste -besides paying more attention towards improving in the number of their recyclables, as well as more effectively addressing their frameworks/models of recycling.
Another Climate Change emphasis here in regard to prolonged heatwaves is to stay cool, keep hydrated, and try your best to not exhaust yourself in high heat.
It is also worth remembering that along with focussing on protecting the Eco-diversity of natural green areas and natural water resources, whilst cleaning up our oceans and cutting down pollution all over the World, that Peace is the best road for good economics, as it is and should be in terms of a better environment for the planet.

(Copyright of L.D.K)
On Tuesday the 8th of August 2023, a state of emergency was declared, as high pressure system winds
attributed to Hurricane Dora accelerated wildfires with a wind speed of up to 80 mph that swept through some areas of the mainland of Hawaii, along with devastating extensive parts of Maui (situated on the North West Coast of Hawaii). The U.S government has issued some Disaster Relief.
Over 200 properties have been destroyed, causing over 60 known mortalities with many still missing.
Those who were able to swim or cling onto some thing risked hypothermia as they jumped into the icy cold water of the ocean, watching as their homes and the beautiful habitat of their natural surroundings, including much of the vegetation and wildlife get destroyed.
It has since been reported that a number of the wildfires have since been contained, however, as hurricane-force wind speeds look likely to continue to be more of an occurrence in terms of the acceleration of naturally occurring wildfires that are directly attributed to rising global temperatures and heatwaves; many around the world who survive the impacts of such severe environmental damage, will continue to need help and assistance; including the elderly, disabled and the very young, along with any one else who is vulnerable and holding out in areas that have become more isolated from the environmental damage, along with any one in need of urgent medical care, fresh water, baby formula, hygiene products, nappies/diapers, shelter, blankets and (in-date) non perishable food items.
In addition, better Hazard/Disaster Risk Management needs to be implemented in that a more efficient and broader spectrum of Storm and Wildfire Warning Alert Systems can be successfully implemented so as to allow for more effective evacuation ahead of time.
N.B (Please refer to the About page at greenmansionsmovement.net)
I have included a link to the Maui Mutual Aid Fund as follows:
On Tuesday the 8th of August, the Belem Declaration was signed by the panel of the Amazonian Cooperation Treaty (ACTO).
Some of the Primary Objectives of this Inter-governmental Panel with regard to the overall structure of the Belem Declaration includes more of a Main Focus in regard to meeting the Global/International Challenges of any ongoing Catastrophic Environmental Damage from Climate Change and its impact on the Economy; Better Disaster Risk Management for the Natural Environment on the whole, -which therefore must include things such as (and in some cases a re-introduction of) Non-Invasive Storm Breaker/Barrier Trees and/greenery, along with more effective lines of Cross-Regional cooperation and coordination efforts in the reporting of Worldwide Real Time Forest Watch Monitoring within more transparency of Scientific Data exchange for the protection of Sustainable and Eco-Diverse Forest Coverage throughout the Amazon Basin, via/from Satellite Monitoring towards the nurturing and conservation of Biodiversity (both in the immediate future and in the long term), which also includes things such as improvements in the various ways of Monitoring Fresh Water-in terms of Fresh Water Preservation, and also Food Security by way of more effectively dealing with such Challenges through Collective and Worldwide Action, with further and specific regard to Eco-System Threat Surveillance/Monitoring in correlation to things such as Fires and Environmental Crimes, Health and Wellbeing, (along with accessibility to Walk-in Emergency Medical Health Clinics for various communities in Rural Areas), improvement in the Protection of Biodiversity and Non-Invasive Endangered Species and Eco-Systems, National Security, Science and Cross Regional Social Protection Databases across the entire Amazon Basin (which includes an improved Cross Regional Security Framework for the Protection of Indigenous Peoples in Voluntary Isolation), along with Sustainable Development (which means embracing more Natural Sustainable Development Models and Finance to improve the level of greenery, small scale +/non-invasive sustainable vegetation in view of overall Biodiversity improvements with further efforts towards improving Natural Forest BioDiversity (which is the real treasure of the Amazon Rainforest Basin and with many various benefits for the entire world also), whilst additionally improving on Disaster Risk Management and more stepped up Legal Procedures with regard to Hazardous Waste Pollution and the Reduction of such as afore-mentioned. This also includes further Innovation Research and better Eco-friendly implementation by companies, in successfully being more able to branch out in healthier ways -for now and for the future, at being more efficient in meeting targets for reducing waste and pollution levels both Regionally, Cross-Regionally, and Worldwide.
Peace and Love to everyone, from L.D.K
(Article written by L.D.K)
(Copyright of L.D.K)