A Special guest feature Article by L.D.K with D.A Kersting.
Arizona U.S.A: (Re: 10th August 2023): In August of this year, President Joe Biden dedicated 40,000 Square Miles of Land in Arizona, (which includes areas along the Grand Canyon and the life giving Colorado River) as a National Monument to be protected for the foreseeable future from environmentally damaging activities, that include any further exploitation for gold, silver, petroleum and uranium.
Ecologists everywhere; not least the peoples of the First Nation living in Arizona, are joyful in their hearts and it must be said that We, (i.e as in everyone around the World who cares about Climate Change and about the Environment)- join YOU, Spiritually on “The Long Walk” in preserving the Natural Environment along with lowering carbon levels in terms of maintaining healthier natural carbonic threshold levels for Earth…
As far as protecting the Natural Environment, Organic Small Scale Farming, and Natural Eco-System Biodiversity goes,-Peace is also most definitely a vital factor that must always prevail in terms of Basic Human Decency; as having an environmentally hostile attitude of being inconsiderate to others is by no means the way to live in terms of Humanity; neither will that type of mindset help to sustain all life on Earth along with Humanity in general.
Re: The Amazonian Alliance – 9th of August 2023:
We applaud the positive environmental steps of the eight Amazonian Nations who have now established an Alliance to implement a measuring level plan of action to protect and preserve the Amazon Rainforest from Deforestation and illegal mining.
We suggest that various areas of land that presently encourage nature and life, but also areas of land that have the potential to once again encourage various biodiversity be legally set aside from exploitation for 100 years, along with a rotational replanting schedule of native i.e non-invasive crops that not only replenish the soil and encourage healthier micro-organisms, but encourage more nutritionally qualitative yields in terms of how biodiversity should be for many areas in the first instance.
Historical crops in terms of native non-invasive crops must be expanded in order to improve food insecurity for the inhabitants of Forested areas all over the world, and this includes places such as the Amazon Rainforest Basin, as well as Hawaii who recently also suffered catastrophic wildfire devastation and where U.S President Joe Biden declared a National Emergency and allocated Aid to the state of Hawaii.
Norway suffered with heavy rains in August of this year (2023) along with high winds of 80mph and severe flooding. With over four thousand people being evacuated; many buildings and infrastructure ended up being either badly damaged or washed away/eroded due to the flooding.
Also throughout August of this year, Portugal suffered wildfires caused by temperatures as high as 49 degrees Celsius, as firefighters struggled at tackling the spread of wildfires that burnt approximately 40 (forty) square miles of Portugal.
With current temperatures having risen over the normal global temperature average for the month of this September 2023, bringing with it harsh climatic episodes which in many cases have swung from excessive drought across various regions of the world, to periods of excessive rainfall across other areas; certain crop yields have become increasingly affected, along with the impact of additionally water logged or dusty paths upon which humanity has to walk through whilst the cost of living, for many has also increased amidst higher rates of displaced people, along with pets and wildlife…
Food insecurity levels in view of the domino effect within worldwide Climate Emergency Occurrences, can still be countered in terms of things such as cross-regional and international cooperation and/also peace keeping efforts; alongside of more focus upon food-production-weather-adaptation management in relation to Climate Change impacted areas of the world; where certain crops that have normally been grown, have since become severely affected by Climate Change.
Certain agricultural adaptations, may at times include the planting of some crops-a month or two in advance of the traditional/seasonal planting times for certain types of agricultural crops, as part of more Sustainable Long Term Crop Management; that this also includes Small Scale-Farming which must be both regionally and internationally encouraged in terms of maintaining both Eco-system bio-diversity and better long term nutritional levels within food security through the organic farming of native i.e non-invasive crops.
In several instances; keeping consumer options open is understandable,-especially when it comes to things like current methods of food transportation, along with other factors such as green transitioning, (including the further need for adequate help in terms of green transitioning assistance for developing countries). However, and in general; it must be remembered that one type of large scale industrial over-utilisation should not be superseded by another in terms of any major environmental encroachment which could ultimately result in a complete takeover-of what would otherwise be natural resources for growing food, along with less polluted air and fresh water availability for our planet.
Various Eco-systems are interconnected; in that one natural Eco-system that plays a vital role in greenhouse gas reduction depends on another natural Eco-system of carbon sequestration before that Eco-system reaches a point of being overly exhausted. Therefore, it must once again be emphasised that the forest sustains; and that Eco-diverse green spaces all over the world must continue to be nurtured in terms of Eco-Conservation, Preservation and Sustainability in order for all to survive and to live…
The Climate Change weather pendulum swing continues: From Storms to Droughts….
January of this year (2023) brought a hurricane season that began six months
earlier than expected with an unnamed storm that impacted Northern areas of
Canada with severe weather storms.
Storm Arlene also impacted northerly parts of Canada along with several U.S
coastal areas such as New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, and Rhode Island,
along with Maine.
Hurricane Bret and Cindy rode in from a West African Tropical Wave formation,
whilst the Dominican Republic was hit by the category 4 level of Storm Franklin.
On the 26th of August, a storm known as Idalia initially joined forces as a category 4
storm in conjunction with another hurricane known as Jose) , impacting the northern
coastal areas of Florida before moving in a southerly direction towards Tampa and
eventually weakening into a category 2 storm whilst heading in a northerly direction over
parts of Cuba. Hurricane Idalia eventually shifted over areas of South Carolina, before
hitting the island of Bermuda with wind speed gusts peaking at 79 mph.
Hurricane Idalia was one of the biggest Storms of the year, spawning no less than twelve
tornadoes, pushing the storm damage total towards a cost of up to over two billion U.S
Early September saw storm Katia, followed by the category 3 strength of Storm Lee
which impacted areas of Long Island and New Jersey (N.Y), along with other areas that
included the U.S coastal area of Maine, along with also affecting parts of Canada that
included Nova Scotia, resulting in several mortalities in various areas as Infrastructure and
power lines were hit by the storm.
Following on from Storm Nigel and Margot, the Island of Barbuda was hit by both Storm
Ophilia and Storm Philppe which also impacted parts of Antigua and Guadalupe, with severe
In late September of this year, Storms Rita and Sean luckily weakened; dissipating into a
lighter category of storm formation…
In February of last year in 2022, Storm Eunice hit many parts of Europe including
the U.K, Ireland, Poland, Belgium, Germany, France, The Czech Republic, Lithuania,
and also the Netherlands, again causing severe flooding and storm damage.
Storm Babet, affected several parts of Europe, the U.K and Scotland; as it strengthened
to wind speeds of up to 70 mph along with heavy rain, causing damage to a number of
crops that included Wheat, Barley and Potatoes that became water logged from the
impact of the excessive rainfall.
Meanwhile, as over eleven thousand five hundred fires have been currently detected
by INNPE and Brazil’s National Institute For Space Research; several areas of Amazonia,
including and especially areas such as Manaus, are continuing to suffer with extremely
high levels of air pollution, reaching levels well over three hundred and eighty micro-grams
per cubic metre (pcm) of air/lower atmospheric pollution.
Rising temperatures from the heat of the drought have continued across the Amazon
Basin; causing an additional impact on food -as well as fresh water availability, killing many
fish, and affecting the livelihoods as well as the chances of survival for an increasing number
of all who live in such severely impacted areas of Amazonia.
The severity to which the river levels have fallen, has made the transportation of urgent
food supplies extremely difficult, especially in terms of river navigation-not only into remote
rural areas, but now into affected neighbouring areas also.
Alongside of this, catastrophic Amazonian Climate Emergency of increased drought,
ongoing fires, and depleted river levels: access to goods such as dry non-perishable
food items (which also includes baby formula) and medicines, are becoming increasingly
difficult to get hold of, along side of being too over-priced for many, given such
It has been reported that a major interconnecting river of the Amazon has dropped by
44.3 feet.
This particular drought that is currently affecting the Amazon, is without a doubt one of
the worst droughts to have ever occurred across the Amazon in over a hundred years;
non-invasive species of drought tolerant, less flammable and storm resistant trees, must be
planted and grown all over the Amazon and along the river banks, to encourage healthier
rainforest rainfall patterns across many areas which are currently suffering with depleted river
water levels.
Donations for emergency non perishable food items and baby formula, as well as hygiene
products and nappies -(even radios for radio communication in any isolated areas of
Amazonia currently hit by this catastrophic drought)- are urgently needed, as well as urgent
help in terms of access to fresh water supplies, as well as medicines.*
A Climatic increase in the severity of floods, along with droughts are taking place; resulting in
either crop depletion or damage from Climate Change weather fluctuation having become more
of a regular occurrence. This is all clearly evident, and therefore; more than ever, Nature calls on
us to manifest, (in all the ways that everybody can) -the biodiversity of non-invasive greenery to
support all life on Earth.
My father’s first name was chosen for him out of a suggestion by his great aunt Nelly,
who had journeyed to South America as a young girl during a potato famine of the 1800’s.
He (i.e my father D.A Kersting Esq.), told me that my Great Grandmother, who worked as a Midwife
for a number of years, on many occasions, making rather long perilous journeys into rural, isolated
areas late at night, once said to him: “Whilst praying is obviously a good thing to do; there comes a
point in time where people’s prayers (i.e in terms of basic necessities such as food, water, shelter
medicines, safety, and the peace of mind that comes with such things)-must be answered;
otherwise what can happen is that over time, some eventually just stop praying.”
Climate Change disasters, along with increased periods of food insecurity across many areas of
the world, in addition to factors such as the challenges of ever changing various world dynamics,
means that for many; Eco-System Biodiversity and Small Scale Agriculture is as vital as ever in
terms of more adequate Worldwide levels of sustainability…
N.B As mentioned earlier in the previous Green Mansions Movement Article (regarding the number of Indigenous Eco-System Areas that were expected to be recognised earlier in April of this year in 2023, but were not at that point in time); We are happy to report that as of September 2023; Indigenous Land Rights have since been upheld by the Brazilian Supreme Court in recognition of Climate Change; Bio-diversity and Eco-Conservation Stewardship.
It must be remembered that a win for Indigenous Communities as Bio-Diverse Eco System Forest
Guardians; means a win for everyone all over the world on an International level, for all who want to live peacefully and in sustainable ways.
In a scenario where many areas across the planet are experiencing diminished fresh water availability, and where areas such as the Amazon Basin rely on 50% (fifty percent) of it’s fresh (rain) water to be generated from it’s own natural (i.e non-invasive) forested areas; this Supreme Court Ruling sends out a positive International message for everyone across the planet; in regard to the urgency and importance of taking the necessary and vital actions towards more adequate measures in Environmental Protection, Food Security, and the Conservation of Bio-Diverse Green and Forested Areas.
(Article: Copyright of L.D.K) *