You have reached the only official Green Mansions Movement Website!
The Green Mansions Movement is a conscious awareness project focussing on the Bio-diversity of Earth, including (and in relation to) the ecology of the Amazon Rainforest through the celebration of humanity that includes the Indigenous Rainforest peoples, plant species, wildlife and natural vegetation; and also the many artefacts currently found throughout the Amazon that represent an important part of our human history...
This project (i.e www.greenmansionsmovement.net), is about bringing the world together through Internationally highlighting the greater need of ongoing ecological and environmental protection with regards to more successful sustainability, preservation, renewal and conservation of eco-systems across the world, such as the world’s beautiful biomes and natural areas that belong to the Amazonian Rainforest, in a continued effort of growth within the realisation that the Amazon Rainforest, (if given a real/added chance to survive), will in turn help to protect not only it’s own natural ecosystem but will play a vital and inter-connected part in protecting many other eco-systems across the earth for many years to come; and therefore must not, in any way, be undervalued or underestimated in a mindset that does not seek to conserve something of such Major and International and Biological Importance, with a view to conservation on the whole, and in relation to the survival of our world; which is also in correlation to the survival of natural eco-system environments across the entire span of the Amazon Rainforest Basin.
It must be emphasised that the website itself,(i.e www.greenmansionsmovement.net), is Independent; and maintains Humanitarian along with Educational objectives; whilst at the same time offering a fresh, organic (i.e non-A.I), and unique perspective on both Worldwide and Amazonian Ecological/Environmental Issues.
N.B ( Please note that the views expressed by others do not necessarily reflect that of www.greenmansionsmovement.net; other than the content directly relating to and published on this website. Please also note that Green mansions Movement.net takes no responsibility for any false affiliations and/or misleading/false representations in regards to any third parties).
Thank you.
www.Green Mansions Movement.net
All rights reserved.
Words and Artwork by L.D.K
You can contact me at: [email protected]
or at: [email protected]om
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